
The White Horse, based in Quorn, Leicestershire

  I was not up for a big night out so turned down the opportunity to go to Nottingham. The pub was completely packed out and it took 10 - 15 minutes before I found the group tucked into a corner.  It's wasn't a cheap place with a beer costing 30% more than in my local. While the food was also overpriced the burger I had was far more filling than expected. I met a couple of people from previous meets but overall it was a much older crowd. Most dispersed as soon as we finished eating.  There was talk of going to the White Hart but I was clock watching for the bus by that point and went home an hour earlier than planned. 

Strelley Village/Kimberley/Oldmoor Woods - 6 mile circular

    I had a choice of Strelley on Saturday or Beeston canal on Sunday. Having done Beeston only a few months earlier I opted for the Saturday walk. We met at Strelley hall and headed west crossing the M1.  It was a warm sunny day and a flattish, easy enough walk. We headed south then back to the road near where we started. Had an hour of coffee and cake at Strelley hall then headed home.


  This wasn't such a "night out drinking" as more of a meeting. A newcomer to meetup was starting his own group and wanted ideas. We sat in a corner of the Jam Garden pub in Loughborough for a couple of hours. I went to this because Loughborough needs a successful meetup group and it would vastly cut down on the amount of traveling I would have to do.

3-4 mile Canal Saturday walk and Coffee

  It was a good turnout of around 20 people and great weather, meeting outside the very busy Jenno's coffee house. The walk followed the canal north past the past the tea rooms where we previously had an issue with the owner.  I was hoping that we wouldn't be repeating too much of that walk but we only did about 20% of it in the end. We turned around following an old railway line back for more coffee.

Aston on Trent walk to Shardlow circular 5 mile

  Derby Sociables has been a bit thin on the ground for suitable events so it was good to get a walk not too far from home. Despite the weather forecast the turnout was around a dozen in Aston on Trent. I'd never been here before.......... We set off across the fields in the direction of Shardlow where the festival was taking place. It was very busy in terms of people and boats. There was a temptation to have a stop in a pub but the queues and risk of getting "too comfortable" made us decide against it.  The route back was along the canal, by this point the heat was getting far too much and it was very uncomfortable. I was glad to get to the malt for a large diet coke with ice. 

Linear Eight Mile Walk from Trent Bridge to Ruddington

  I hadn't previously planned to do this walk due to having covered 90% of the route before in the last year. However after a recent family bereavement I needed to get out the house. It was a hot sunny day but there was a big turnout of over 20. Starting off at Trent bridge we followed the river south towards Clifton.  Had a stop at Owen's beach which in reality was just a big Stoney riverbank. Going away from the river we stopped at Macdonald's for a much needed shade stop. Passing some expensive looking houses we went mostly via road towards Ruddington. We stopped for one drink at the Frame breakers pub before the bus took us back to the city.

Birmingham canalside pubcrawl

  The Birmingham pub crawl almost didn't happen due to train strikes, the rail companies only confirming that a few trains would run to and from Leicester a couple of days earlier. I'd been to the city just once in my entire life (train connections don't count). Only 8 of us were there from the original 30 but it was enough. The weather was perfect not to hot but warm enough to sit outside. We met at the Basshouse before heading down to the Malthouse. The pub scene was lively and I had an instant "why have I never done this before feel".  Next up was the Tap and Spire followed by the canal house which was a little too busy and had long waits for drinks. Thanks to the trains we were unfortunately clockwatching and a few of us managed to squeeze one drink in at a place near the train station before the uncomfortable journey back to Leicester.

Canal Walk to Beeston

  It was a simple repeat of the walk we did last summer. Straight down the canal path then turn off to the Victoria pub. Stayed for about 90 minutes then headed home. A good sunny day after some terrible weather.

Eight Mile Coalville & North West Leicestershire Explorer

  It was a refreshing change to do a walk in my own area, especially after all the travelling of the last few weeks. I'd done Coalville before but it was a slightly different route this time. We headed round Coalville town football ground, I even covered ground I'd never walked on before. It was through the industrial estate to Swannington, where we followed the train line until a blockage caused us to make a detour. Crossed the field to Thringstone where we has a pitstop at the Bulls Head. After Gracedieu ruins a couple got lost and a couple more bailed out of the walk to the bus stop. We were doing far more mileage than planned so it was slightly rerouted going back.  At least the rain held off......................


Other than a band in a pub and beat the streets I'd not done any live music events with meetup. Originally it was just one day but then they changed it to two days. I figured that if it was good I'd do the full weekend next year. I'd stayed the night at the excellent and very social Igloo Hostel. I walked to the park and soon found the group. We headed passed security where it would have been easy to smuggle my own alcohol through. We had a "base" where at least someone was all day. This eliminated my fear of spreading most of the day alone or searching for others in the group. The weather was bad all day with on and off rain. I'd reached the point where I couldn't get much wetter by 2pm. As for the music I pre planned which bands I was going to see a week earlier. Cam mannix were not great but listenable. Jealous nostril were a bit better. Motormof at the small stage wasn't my thing but a better option than cheesy stuff like the Sugarbabes. I took a b