
Showing posts from June, 2020


After Derby, Nottingham was the next city to try for a night out with meetup. Slightly further on the skylink bus but doable it was good to get away after a quiet birthday weekend. Went to the fat cat bar ordered a drink and waited...….and waited. An hour and 3 drinks later still nobody had turned up despite me leaving messages on the page. The last skylink bus that went all the way back to the village was due so I called it a night. It was a wasted 2 and a half hours round trip!!!! Nobody on the group replied that night or the following day, yet if you click on the page for the event it says that 7 people attended which is obviously wrong. Lesson learned that some meetups are not what they seem...…..


First night out drinking in Derby for well over a decade. It was a hot and sticky evening especially on the bus going over. Arrived early and met the group in the standing order which I have vague memories of going in many years before. Being a slightly older crowd than the Leicester group and being a sitting outside type of night we went to pubs like the old silk mill. Also ye olde dolphin just across the road, it was a good social night with nearly 20 people. Finally we ended up in a loud place with a dancefloor. Unfortunately I'd peaked too soon as I went through my first few drinks very quickly after getting off the hot bus earlier on. I left earlier than I should but overall it was a good night.