It was a choice between Nottingham and Leicester so I picked Leicester due to the smaller group size. It was the same starting place as 2 weeks ago, the Queen of Bradgate pub. A couple of faces I knew made for an ok start to the evening. It wasn't as busy as 2 weeks before which was probably a good thing as it was packed.

Image result for the gadabout

Second stop was the Gadabout, nice place but had the atmosphere of a restaurant. In fact some of us thought it was a restaurant but we didn't see any food being eaten.

Image result for revolution leicester

Revolution was the second place of the evening that I'd never set foot in before. We walked straight into a fight that was kicking off in a corner. Strangely only one bouncer came to intervene but it was over in 10 minutes. Despite that I liked the place and would have been happy to stay there the rest of the night. I was recognised by someone I met with another meetup group 5 months earlier.

Unfortunately someone made the decision to move on elsewhere, being from a village I tend to forget that places in the city don't shut the doors and/or stop serving late on. We ended up in Firebug which I don't mind in itself but going from a lively place with a club like atmosphere to somewhere with no music was a bit of a stepdown.

 I left around 2:30am, overall an average night out....
