Breakfast :Standing order with option of watching Caribbean carnival parade


Meetups in Derby had dropped off to the point where I nearly considered not paying my annual subscription fee. But breakfast in Wetherspoons followed by the Caribbean carnival seems definitely worth going to.

After a year it was good to catch up with some old faces. After an excellent breakfast we headed to the start point for a mingle then waited for about 45 minutes for the carnival to start.

The parade consisted of around a dozen music lorries followed by mostly women in bright colourful costumes. I was expecting groups of drummers like I'd seen in Guadeloupe, apparently they were there the previous year.

I was under the impression that we were heading to a park where they had live music and food stalls. Unfortunately the weather was constantly changing between sunny and heavy rain. So I had a drink back in Wetherspoons while waiting for the bus home.
