How long have I waited for this, almost 16 months at a rough guess. An afternoon / evening out drinking away from my own village. Not including short stop-offs at pubs while out with walking groups.

We met in Weatherspoon's at 4pm, I caught up with a couple of old faces as well as meeting several new ones. After a few drinks we moved to an outside area where you could order food and drinks from nearby places. I wasn't hungry and the group split into 2 for a couple of hours between those who wanted to eat and those who didn't

It was a very hot summers afternoon and with Covid restrictions in place most of the pubs had security controlling the people going in so there were lengthy queues. We ended up going in the cooler indoors at Hogarth's. Just as back in the village near home there were obvious inconstancies on how strict the pubs are with the restrictions. You could sit 7 on a table for hours in one pub without anyone saying a word only to do the same in another and be threatened to be thrown out in seconds.

Despite the annoyance it was great to get out again and was a well needed step in the right direction. I stayed until 10 and caught the last bus home.
